Welcome to RAVEfinity!

Welcome to RAVEfinity!

The RAVEfinity Team designs user interface themes, elements, icons and other artwork for Linux & BSD.

Nearly all the themes & artwork produced by RAVEfinity is Open Source.
So it can be freely shared, remixed and adapted.

Since 2010 RAVEfinity has aimed to empower users to have an truly unique, personalized and enjoyable
experience on the Linux & BSD desktops. One pixel at a time.

The New RAVEfinity logo is a happy penguin. Instead of a grumpy raven.
We wanted to make our brand more welcoming.

Important Project Update!
As of September 2017 the RAVEfinity project is inactive/archived. The lead developer is very busy with other things.

We would like to thank everyone for their amazing support and contributions. Working on RAVEfinity has been amazing. And it would have not been possible without YOU the great community.

We are still actively monitoring and keeping the site and theme downloads up and running. But we may not have time or be responding to emails right now. However, if its a major issue please drop us a line.