Vibrantly Simple is an modern continuation of the Ubuntu Humanity Icon Theme, While still keeping Humanity's simplicity and good points the theme aims to modernize several dated elements of Humanity.
It features new modern looking folders and system icons in your choice of 14 colors.
Fully tested and built to work on most major GTK desktops including:
Cinnamon, Gnome Shell, Gnome Classic, Mate, Xfce, LXDE, Unity, OpenBox Etc.
Current Version Is: 1.2.2
Released, August 17th, 2015
Works On: Linux Mint, Ubuntu, Debian, Arch, OpenSUSE, Fedora & More.
This is an Legacy/Discontinued Theme.
Sorry This theme is not supported anymore. And is not tested on distributions above 16.04 LTS.
May not work on distributions newer then 2016.

As of 2017, This theme is legacy and is no longer being developed. Sorry about that.
Legacy means it is no longer supported. But it should work on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, Mint 18.x and older. We are no longer updating or maintaining it. Please do not report any bugs you find as they will not be addressed. Being an icon theme it is not a security risk to use legacy themes. But things may just not work as expected as time goes on. You can either fix issues yourself, ignore them or find something else to use.
Theme requires about 55 MB Of Disk Space.
14 colors of folders are selectable:
Stock Manila Folders , Blue, Aqua, Graphite, Blue Vivid (Dark), Brown, Green, Green Viva, Purple, Red, Pink, Orange, Teal and Yellow.
2 Versions are Selectable:
Vibrantly Simple-Dark - Dark Monochrome Panel Icons.
Vibrantly Simple-Light - Light Monochrome Panel Icons.
Once installed simply activate the icons using Gnome Tweak, Unity Tweak or your desktops theme manager pane. See our Theme FAQ for help.
This theme is not KDE/QT compatible at the moment.
PPA install instructions are bellow. Scroll down a bit further for packages & tars.

Install Now, Using The RAVEfinity PPA:
This theme can be installed on Mint & Ubuntu
& based distributions by using the RAVEfinity PPA.
To Install, Enter These Commands:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ravefinity-project/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install vibrantly-simple-icon-theme
These commands are entered into a terminal window.
Ctrl+Alt+T Typically opens a terminal window.
Download Deb Package (Mirror 1)
Download Deb Package (Mirror 2)
Any Distribution (Tar)
Download Tar Package (Mirror 1)
Download Tar Package (Mirror 2)
Special Thanks To:
Credits & Copyrights (Please see the included text file for full credits.)
Please Support: All the great Open Source projects who make up this theme and make it possible.
We have made heavy modifications to many of these works and created our own media in areas, But a lot of credit goes to:
http://tiheum.deviantart.com/ (Panel Icons, Toolbar Icons.)
http://nitrux.in/ (Breeze Folders, Folders based on this. but we made many changes.)
http://elementaryos.org/ (Folder Symbols, Toolbar Icons.)